I began pre-marital counseling with Ariel in 2011. We were instantly taken by his warm personality and demeanor. After one year, we felt that we were armed with the proper outlook and tools necessary to go on our own. It really is the greatest feeling to be in charge of our lives and we feel that our success is attributed directly to Ariel’s expertise. Intellect, intuition, understanding, perspective and professionalism are all outstanding features of Ariel and were demonstrated session after session. – A.A.
I had the privilege of meeting with Ariel in 2013 about an isolated incident. We hacked out everything on the table and really narrowed the issue to its core. Ariel then developed a game plan for moving forward. I am again informed and armed to be on my own and to deal with life’s challenges…Thanks to Ariel! I would recommend Ariel to anyone and everyone who needs any form of therapy or counseling. – A.R.
Ariel provides an unparalleled feeling of unconditional support and shows ways keep you focused and accountable, yet providing an unbiased point of view. He provides you with a clear vision of where you are going, defining what you want and where you want to be. He is a dynamic person who by coming from his heart, has a unique insight and tremendous ability to connect with people where they really are, inspiring and nurturing them to move in a positive direction. Ariel looks at the whole picture. – B.L., Local School Administrator
Ariel is a clinician with superb professional standards, whose commitment to the highest ethically driven practice is unparalleled in my experience… He consistently has treated the clients with respect and offered a compassionate and reasoned response to their needs. They have responded to his care with positive growth. Many of his clients were cases that were unsuccessfully treated by other clinicians. Under [his] care, they were able to make significant progress towards higher levels of function. – Former Supervisor